Where is our wedding cake?

Hello world,

Speaking of wedding cake, our dream wedding cake are not like most people imagine. We want a real cake…like literally real. The first time I saw Andien and Ippe’s wedding pictures, I swoon over a 3 tiers chocolate naked cake.

andien and ippe wedding cake

andien and ippe wedding cake

After that, buni attended his cousin’s wedding at Singapore and they held an intimate party with this kind of cake….a naked cake! His family was also comment nicely about that kind of cake, not that “naked” means something negative, it just a simple word describe the simple without too much buttercream or even fondant cake (we dislike fondant).

With these kind of references (thank you so dear pinterest) we start to looking a vendor that can make our wish come true within our oh so tight budget. We thought, “oh, because it is a small cake, it won’t be that expensive. great!”

Not a grand smooth fondant cake, for us it describes an imperfect yet a simple and beautiful relationship.

Not a grand smooth fondant cake, for us it describes an imperfect yet a simple and beautiful relationship.

But then again, “expectation with reality” are the same as in meme of instagrammers. 180′! we asked three vendors, barley cake (gorgeous bridal partner for cake), RR cake, and my cousin’s BF (he is a home made pastry chef). All of them said minimum for a real 3 tiers naked cake start from 3.5 million – 6 million IDR. *glekh*

We have no idea how much it will cost and no wonder many couples give up and choose a simple styrofoam cake for their wedding. I am not against dummy cakes, don’t get me wrong. But for us, we couldn’t afford a grand theme wedding cake. If it is a plain simple 7 tiers dummy cake, how weird and useless would be, to think we have to hold our smile long enough to make our jaw cramps and pretend happily cut the cake with a shining ‘samurai’ sword.

Moreover, (we think) none of the guest will pay the attention. Except our parents, close family, WO and of course, the photographers/ videographer.

So, Where is our wedding cake? the answer is none. What? yes world. we decided NOT to use a wedding cake at our wedding. This is, *maybe* we are gonna get an award or written our name in the world book of record “the first couple that didn’t have a cake on their wedding.”

Already discussed with our parents and they said it’s ok. how awesome is that? they had the same point of view and they are not a cake lover from the first place.

Hehe, it must be a weird and confusing for most of my friends or even you guys, to accept the idea. But we assure you, we are so glad to keep our wedding as sincere as can be.

Happy brunch time,


14 pemikiran pada “Where is our wedding cake?

  1. Hahaha some of my friends juga gak pake wedding cake. Even my own sister didn’t have wedding cake on her wedding even though it was held in a hotel’s ballroom 😀 Gue pake wedding cake, tapi gak pake wedding toast. Tetep tuang sparkling wine karena udah termasuk package restoran (gak mau rugi) lol. So it’s not weird nor confusing kok ^^ Yang penting bride & groom (and their families) happy hihihi 😀


    • ahh, beneran? wow. ternyata cukup lumrah juga. Soalnya ga pernah dateng ke resepsi yang ga pake kue. ugh, enak ya paketmu dulu ada sparkling wine nya, skrg bonus central seiprit. Buat kita berarti ga weird, Lip, buat temen2 gw cukup bikin mereka garuk2 pala.


      • Hahaha iya sih kalo buat orang lain, mungkin akan ngerasa aneh banget. Temen gue malah ada yang ga pake cincin kawin! Hahaha. Jadinya minjem punya emaknya dulu pas tuker cincin di gereja :))


  2. Ada kue ato enggak sih no problemo sih ini cuma bagian dr ceremony aja Dri 🙂 emang sih yaa cuma diliatin pas prosesi cutting the cake aja dan foto2 selebihnya dilupakan 😀 tp ak jujur yg suka merhatiin kue di weddingan orang kok 🙂 lucu aja klo kuenya bagus or simple minimalis 🙂


    • Oh, soalnya salah satu temen gw keukeuh Nie, bahwa membelah kue itu simbol mulainya pernikahan yang kalau ga ada, artinya jelek *sort of* . Jadi gw diocehin, hehe.
      Gw juga lho, suka merhatiin wedding cake tiap resepsi, yang konsep n eksekusinya mewah si bisa gw foto2 mulu haha. Cuma klo yang pas gw liat *sori* kondisinya hidup segan mati tak mau, malah mikirnya “ga banget ni kue”. vendor kue abis tau budget gw tipis juga melengos, ga pernah follow up lg LOL *yaeyalahya*


  3. ga aneh kok Ndri kalo ga pake wedding cake, soalnya beberapa temen gue married juga ga pake wed cake en gue liatnya biasa aja, hehehehe.. iya ya kalo real cake tuh mehonggg bgtt *impian yang musnah juga nii gue* hahahahaha en pas resepsi gue pake kue soalnya bonus dari gedung, sayang kalo ditiadakan *ga mau rugikkk ishh, LOL


  4. Yep.. no wedding cake juga lumrah koq. I wanna like that also, tp ditnya WO dan tmn2 “trz ngapain donk prosesinya klo ga ada potong kue, ga ada wedding toast”. jd decide untuk cm suap2an buat respect my grandmas and parents aja simbolik.
    Tp emang tdnya I jg maunya kue asli semua tp begitu cek harga bikin pening. hehehe.


    • Oiya, poin soal simbolik suap-suapan grandma’s n granpa’s si bagus, gw setuju. Kalau keluarga gw ud ga ada smua G’ma n G’pa, jadi mikirnya toh uda sungkeman *plus nangis2an* sama orang tua di pemberkatan pernikahan. yess Shal, harga kue asli kecil doank malah mahal, *ikut pening*


  5. Walah, aku baru tau ternyata harga real cake mihil bgt ya.. 😦
    Soalnya belom pernah survei harga real cake.

    tp jaman sekarang, byk kok tamu2 yg jg ga perhatiin apa ada wed cake nya, wed kiss, wed toast, dll.. karena wed day kan hari besar nya kita, jd terserah yg buat kita nyaman & sesuai selera kita aja utk acara resepsi nya. Hehehe


  6. ga ada kue, gapapa ciii ..tamu dateng kan mau ngeliat sang raja sama ratunya ..hihi
    ini moment speciall yg bagaimanapun gak bakal bisa diulang lagiiii, gak perlu kebanyakan pusing mikirin omongan orang ..hihi, ini acara kalian, bikin aja sesuka hatiii kalian ..
    semangatttt yaaaah cicik bride to be 😀 God bless you 🙂


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